Sunday, June 8, 2008

.. June's coming!!

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What's In Lipstick??

Recently, I figured out that if I applied lipstick that my face would grow to two times its regular size. If I wiped off the lipstick, I could get my head back almost into its regular shape. I didn't have a lot of time to figure out what was in lipstick but I put it down to fragrance and some of the others on the ingredient list.

One day I was so tired of not wearing lipstick that I went to a make-up store to find out. I took my small cute cousin. Within a couple of minutes of being in the make-up aisle, my cousin started to have her head grow to twice its regular size and she didn't even have lipstick on. I went over to the counter and asked the girl, what was in lipstick and make-up to make both myself and my cousin have allergic reactions? I was still at that point considering that maybe a certain brand wouldn't have whatever the ingredient was in it.

She smiled at me, started to show me the book of ingredients that nobody can truly read without a dictionary and then she looked from me to my cousin and finally said, "The shimmer in lipstick is from ground up fish and shellfish. It doesn't come out and say that on the lipstick ingredients."

I nearly fainted. I couldn't believe that something that people have as an anaphalaxis type allergy is not marked on all of the make-up.

Still, I persevered. "What kind doesn't have it in it?" I asked, assuming that one of the thirty brands would give me a break.

"None of them," she assured me. "It's not marked down anyway. There's a big word for it."

"What about lip gloss?" I asked.

"No," she said. "Whale blubber. Sorry. Allergy medicine is in aisle five."

So, off we went to go get some medicine and some fresh air. This news sent me realing. Why isn't this in the media? Why doesn't anyone know about what is in lipstick and lots of other kinds of make-up? I realized too that potentially all kinds of men and women do not know about the risks involved in simply freshening up their lips. I mention men because of the factor.

I went onto talk to friends and relatives. Did you know...? Nobody did. I only recently met someone who had an inkling of what I was talking about. Her dad worked in a lipstick factory all of his working career.

Unless a make-up line specifically says that it does not have animal byproducts in it, then the shimmer is most likely caused by ground up fish and seafood. Not that they're apparently aiming to include the seafood but much like the tuna caught in a big net with other creatures of the sea, same problem.

For those of you who have allergies, seek out cosmetic companies such as Mary Kaye who do have that guarantee. There are several other lines that will promise this no animal byproducts such as Body Shop. Remember that while you may not have this allergy yourself, your child could have this allergy, your husband, boyfriend or your co-workers.

The Truth About Mascara ;

In ancient Egypt, possibly as early as 4000 B.C., the egyptians used kohl on their eye lashes, eye brows and to line their eyes. That is the earliest form of mascara and eye liner. Charcoal or soot was probably used with malachite and lead sulfite to make kohl.

Mascara as we know it originated in 1913, by the chemist who started Maybelline. Back then, it was a mixture of coal dust and petroleum jelly.

These days, many women would not leave home without mascara. You can do without foundation, blusher or even lipstick but if your lashes are pale, you need mascara. Many women, pale lashes or not feel naked without mascara.

Modern day mascara uses mainly carbon for the black pigment in mascara while iron oxide is used for the brown pigments. In U.S., the use of coal and tar pigments in eye makeup is forbidden. Most mascara formulations today are made of oil, water and waxes, like beeswax, carnauba wax or paraffin. On top of the basics, other ingredients are added to the mascara formula for different effects. For example, fibers are added to lash building mascaras. Then there are the waterproof mascaras, those that make your lashes fuller, or add intensity to your lashes.Besides the formulation, the secret of a mascara's performance lies in the brush. It is the formulation and the brush of the mascara that gives the desired effect.

LIFESTYLES a.k.a live our simple life!!

In many ways, you probably know how to live a simple life, but do you want to? Many want the complexity and constant drama of their lives. This is something we each have to look at honestly. However, some of us really want simplicity, and some would want it if they knew what it felt like to live more simply and at peace. Here are a few ways to get there.

  • Just Say No ... Or Say Yes
An important secret to how to live a simple life is to learn to look honestly at how life gets complicated. This may be different for each of us, but there are some common habits we share. One such habit is taking on new responsibilities without fully acknowledging the costs and complexities they add to our lives.
  • Money Brings Simplicity - Or Complexity
People use money in ways that overly complicate life, as when they put a down payment on a hot tub that they really don't need. Then they have to work to pay the interest, they have to clean the tub, find a place for it, and have it repaired. Of course, if you are wealthy enough, someone will take care of these things for you. However, if you make $8 per hour, a hot tub will almost certainly overly complicate your life.
  • Drama Adds Complexity
For a simpler life, have fewer friends. This may sound harsh, but how many friends do you need? Don't get rid of true friends, but don't add people to your life unless there is a real exchange of value between you. We all have acquaintances we call "friends" and yet only tolerate just to "be nice." Do you think it is selfish to say you don't owe anything to these people? Then how selfish is it for them to say you do?

With friends and family, don't get involved in the drama more than you need to. Watch closely, and you'll see that until a person is ready to change, you rarely can help them in any case, neither with words nor with money. Save your efforts for when you truly can help. You weren't born with an obligation to anyone, and it's incredibly selfish for anyone to make such claims on your life. Let the drama swirl around you, but don't get involved in it. This is a crucial lesson on how to live a simple life.

enjoys ur life; adios! (:

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